Basically, I am in charge of the incentives system. This particular program is a contest for corps members, in which the team that has the highest percentage of team members visit the RR over the course of the institute gets a free pizza party. Apparently it was a big hit last year (who doesn't like free pizza?), so we are doing it again this year.
The bulletin board was a blast to make. I always have a lot of fun when I get to create things, so that's been great. But the best part of the entire project is that I've discovered this amazing thing called spray glue-- the glue is sprayed out of an aerosol can.
If you spray directly onto the paper, the glue makes a permanent bond. Normal stuff. But get this-- if you spray lightly (from much further away), the light dusting of glue makes a more temporary adhesive bond (more like tacky), so you can put things like paper on the walls now and then get it off seven weeks later merely with goo-gone.
I can't wait to try that at home!


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