CONTINUED FROM YESTERDAY.... These are some of the moments from institute that I'll always remember. Thanks for allowing me to reminisce a little longer!
Making a scrapbook for my manager Molly throughout the entire night (read this as less than two hours of sleep) with my teammate Kelcey and bonding over Billy Joel's "Vienna" -- "Slow down, you crazy child..."
Making a mess...
"It was June 17th/ when we first saw you..."
Singing a song for our managers (set to Taylor Swift's "Fairy Tale" song) about how much we love them, and watching them ALL get misty eyed.
*photos thanks to fellow OC Jessica
School Visits
One of the most inspirational parts of the internship was getting to visit three different schools where corps members were teaching summer school and learning through guest-teaching how to be teachers.
I so appreciated having the chance to sit in on the classes that corps members were teaching and having the chance in general to see the less affluent areas of Philadelphia. That level of poverty was something I'd never seen (in the United States), and it left such a impression.
And then, after the visits, I loved being able to talk about it and process it all with our manager Molly (while simultaneously feeling my heart contract with sadness and expand with hope). I learned so much with every trip.

Fourth of July
Sharing fireworks with over 500,000 people was magical. And watching a free Goo Goo Dolls concert on the Fourth of July -- talk about bringing back memories from high school.

TO BE CONTINUED (again)...
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