Friday, January 22, 2010

A "Plumper" Golden Globes

After the Golden Globes, articles sprang up everywhere (as they do every year) to discuss who wore what on the red carpet. One particular article on a New York Times blog stirred up a lot of controversy by discussing how some actresses looked like they had put on a little more weight and how the new curves looked sexy (also implied: more healthy).

Another article (on CNN) takes the position that readers misunderstood the message of the blog (that a little bit curvier looks a lot better than stick thin), saying that many got up in arms about the semantics of the story.

The end of that article has a very interesting-- and VALID-- point about actresses.

Although she makes a living on watching the industry, Harrington believes that we're missing the point on why the actresses were at the Globes in the first place.

"They're no longer about who wins what; they're about the two-hour pre-show. When you go online, you want to look for who wore what and how they look in it," she said.

Part of the problem, she said, is that we've gotten used to the idea that actresses should look like models -- to the point that actresses, and not models, are prominently featured on magazine covers.

"[The media have] realized how marketable Jennifer Aniston's face is," she said, "and it's overwhelmed what they actually do, which is acting."

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