Saturday, April 3, 2010

L.A. in Five Days

In five days, I will be on a plane to Las Angeles. It'll be my first time there, and I am excited to see what it is like.

Up until now, it has been hard to fathom planning my life around living in a city I've never seen (and have only heard negative things about). But if I am serious about producing films, then I need to look seriously at living in L.A.

This trip will give me that opportunity to "meet" the town. We'll be getting tours of a number of the major studios, as well as meeting lots of OU Film and Video Studies alum who work in the industry. I hope it'll be enough to help me decide (in either direction).

On a side note: An OU FVS alum won an Oscar for Best Documentary, and I can't believe I didn't know about it before! Our department needs to do a much better job keeping in touch with our alumni. Or at least they need to do a much better job communicating the success of FVS alumni to current students.

Knowing that people from here have gone on to be successful in Hollywood is both a huge boost to our department's reputation and a huge boost in my personal confidence that I too can do it. It helps to know that people from OU have made it in the film industry.

But our department doesn't toot its horn nearly enough about these success stories. That's ridiculous. We need an FVS alum Hall of Fame in our hallway or something. We students need to know these things!

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