Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Best.

Yesterday was awesome. So awesome, in fact, that I'm still talking about it. I promise I'll move on to other topics soon. But really, it was a great birthday. I had lots of friends wish me a happy day, I finished watching A Serious Man (the newest Coen brothers film), and my roommate bought us cheesy bread at 11pm (which we devoured).

Basically my entire evening consisted of lounging around, taking a nap, and generally got nothing done... until about 2 am, when I realized/accepted that I had a crap-ton of stuff due the next day. So I wasn't able to get my final birthday present, which was going to be a full night of sleep. But no matter. I ended up getting a ton of work done in the middle of the night and am now ready for the break!

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... A few thoughts to pass the time...