Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life Update

Yeesh. I've been so busy I forgot to blog yesterday and almost forgot to blog today. Sorry about that.

March and April are crazy application deadline months. Every scholarship under the sun has their applications due in the next couple weeks, and I apparently feel obligated to apply for every single one of them. Maybe I've gotten on such a winning streak that the success is getting to my head, because I've never applied to this many before. There are at least two or three a week due. My poor film teacher. I should have warned her that writing a gazillion rec letters came with my friendship.

On other notes, my dear friend Shiloh Hubbard (married a super swell guy a year or so ago, who then carted her off to Maryland - less than swell) just welcomed her first child to the world. Lydia was born today, and judging from the tiny picture text I got, she's a precious little tyke. I hope I get to meet her soon!

Elections for UOSA (Student Body) President and Vice-President are today and tomorrow. I have been wearing my Ally & Zac periwinkle blue shirt every day for the last four days, in an attempt to be a walking advertisement for their campaign. Every time someone's eyes wander toward my shirt, I suppress my instinct to slouch back (hey, I'm a girl) and instead puff out my chest and invite them to admire the beautiful pink script that promotes my favorite candidates. And though the shirt may smell a bit from such frequent wear, it sure does do wonders for my eye color.

Also, the video "Moving Dead Week Forward" now has close to 370 views! I've never had so many people see my work before. Granted, I acknowledge that most aren't watching for my work (except you, my readers) but instead want to find out about the campaign. But that's no matter. Combining all five videos together, over 700 people have seen my videos in the last week. Score!

My trip to Las Angeles is not this weekend but next. I'll have to remember to recharge my camera battery so I can take stellar pictures of my adventure to share. I love the people I am going with, so that whole element of the trip is going to be a blast. But the part I am looking forward to the most is just seeing the town and getting a good feel for it. I will have the opportunity to meet a number of Film and Video Studies alum who work in Hollywood now, and I hope I'll have the chance to pick their brains for information and advice. Another note to self: Bring copies of my resume and DVDs of "OU, I Love You" to L.A. as well... just in case.

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... A few thoughts to pass the time...